Monday, April 9, 2012

Welcome Nate Robert! (and Easter too!)

Baby Nate

Ethan and Nate meet for the first time

Ethan is in love with his little brother!

Proud Daddy

Ethan shares his toys with Nate

Nate meets his cousins and Auntie Lis and Uncle Ken

Ready to go home

Everyone checking the new guy out!


Ethan inspects baby Nate once we are home- yup, still in love!

G Ma and Grandpa George

Easter Egg hunt at a local chocolate shop

Ethan shares his bounty with Papa

Coloring Easter eggs- using a whisk with a 2 year old worked really well!

Serious business!

This is one of Ethan's favorite things to do- he loves when we spread a blanket and he gets to hang out with Nate

Leaving carrots for the Easter bunny

Checking out his loot

"My berry own scissors!!!"

Baby in a basket

The cousins having Easter dinner

This holiday stuff is hard work!
Pete and I are so proud to welcome Nate Robert!  He arrived on March 28th at 8:25 p.m.  He weighed 8 lbs. and was 20 1/2 inches long.  He has been a joy already!  He seems to be an easy going little guy and is pretty content as long as he has a full belly!  Ethan has adjusted better than we could have ever imagined.  He has shown no signs of jealousy or anger.  He adores baby Nate and always wants to be near him, hugging him, kissing him, or holding his hand.  In fact, when we first brought him home, if anyone other than me was holding Nate, he would ask them to give him back to me.  Hopefully this trend will continue, but so far so good.  I knew that it would be a special thing to watch my two sons interact, but I never imagined how much it would fill my heart- it is the most amazing thing to witness the immediate love that Ethan has for his little brother.  And it doesn't just go one way- we notice that whenever Ethan comes into the room, Nate's eyes light up and he looks all around to see Ethan!  All in all, the transition (thus far) has been a very pleasant one!

We celebrated Easter at home this year.  Ethan had a blast attending various egg hunts.  We had my brothers and their families over along with my parents.  All week leading up to Easter, Ethan kept asking if we could have a big Easter party and I guess we delivered.  He had a great time playing with his cousins and hunting for eggs around the house and in the yard.  All in all, it's been a great week-and-a-half!!