Thursday, April 15, 2010

Back from our Hiatus!

Easter on Long Island with Great Grams and Grandma
Ethan loves to be on Daddy's shoulders

Another haircut!

Ethan loves splashing in the sink, he barely noticed Grandma cutting his hair

Merry Go Round

Ethan stole Grandma F's pear!

Great Grandma Fowler

Easter Bunny

Ethan loves his sippy cup!

We've taken a brief "blog hiatus" due to some technical difficulties and traveling. Now we are back after a few fun filled, busy weeks.

For Easter weekend, we headed south. Saturday we went to Long Island to celebrate the holiday. We had a great time visiting with family, and enjoying the spring weather. Sunday, we celebrated Easter with the Fowlers. It was great to catch up and enjoy each other's company. Ethan was a trooper through all of our travels and welcomed all of the new faces.

Ethan and I spent the week in Connecticut with Grandma and Grandpa Fowler. We had lots of fun! We went to the Bronx Zoo where Ethan rode his first Merry Go Round. He loved it! Looks like we're going to have to find one this summer in Maine. Ethan was mildly impressed by the different animals, but I think that he liked being pushed around in his stroller and watching all of the people best.

Ethan continues to amaze us with his growth and development. One of my favorites new things is that he reaches for us when he wants to be picked up. It is so sweet when he reaches up with his little arms! Another big development is that Ethan has begun to sleep (mostly) through the night! Up until now, he was waking every two to three hours- this made for a very tired Mama! While we were in CT, he began sleeping straight through until about 4 am, eating, and then going right back to sleep until 7 or so. I though that perhaps it was just being over stimulated and missing naps, but since we've been home, he's been following the same pattern. I don't want to jinx anything, but could we possibly be getting to a point where sleep won't be quite so elusive??!! Hope so!

Ethan has perfected sitting up and playing with his toys. He will lunge forward for things, but inevitably falls down to his belly- no signs of crawling yet. The other day Pete and I looked around our living room and decided that we were in no rush for Ethan to become mobile- that would require much more organization on our part!

While Ethan hasn't mastered the whole crawling thing, he is working hard on the food thing! He continues to love his puffs, and likes to have them on his high chair tray so that he can nosh on them between bites of baby food. We've tried other finger foods,but so far, puffs remain the favorite. Lots of the finger foods that we have tried tend to be slippery and eventually cause Ethan to become frustrated because he can't pick them up. We've attempted bananas, pears, tofu, and eggs. We'll keep trying to think of foods that he can get a good grip on- any suggestions would be greatly appreciated! Ethan wants to eat anything and everything that we are eating! He opens his mouth up wide whenever we are eating- it's so funny! If he doesn't get a taste, boy does he get mad! There is no doubt that he is our child!!


Sarah said...

Yay! A new Ethan update to read at my Thursday internship! Everyone always looks over my shoulder and coo at the pictures. Glad I have a cute nephew... :)

Andrea said...

I'm impressed with Ethan's hair and his haircuts! Those pictures are too cute. I absolutely love the reaching stage too - especially when the reach is for you! I can't wait to see you all!