Thursday, April 29, 2010

More teeth?? Growth spurt? Or Just Plain Cranky?

Ethan's new swing

He loves it!

I know what we'll be doing this summer!

He loves to stand!

Ethan and cousin Jack

Ethan and Mama

Ethan and Daddy

Hanging around
Ethan's entrance into month eight has been a challenging one! Remember how I mentioned that he was sleeping through the night so well? Not so anymore! Over the past week and a half, Ethan is back to waking throughout the night. We've also noticed that he has been much fussier during the days, though we are trying hard to stick to a pretty regular nap schedule. Finally, we are noticing a lot more drool! Our natural conclusion is that more teeth are on the way (at least we are hoping that that is what is going on!!) Despite the challenge of keeping our little guy happy, comfortable, and content, we've had a really nice week.
Saturday we spent the day celebrating Bob's birthday. It was a beautiful day, so we were able to hang out on their new deck and play. We really enjoyed being outside in the warm weather, and Ethan enjoyed playing with his big cousins.

On Sunday, Pete put up Ethan's tree swing. We didn't have any great tree limbs that would support the swing in our yard, so Pete attached a support beam, and an A frame to one our trees. After all of Pete's hard work, we were happy to see that Ethan loved his new swing! We've used it a few other times this week (between bouts of rain) and Ethan gets a huge smile on his face whenever he starts swinging.

Ethan is still trying to figure out the whole crawling thing. This week he is doing a lot more lunging forward from a sitting position, but his legs get in his way, and he flops down. He doesn't seem to be too bothered by this, though he is seeming more and more motivated to want to get to things that are out of his reach. I think that if he had his way, he'd go straight to walking, as he loves to pull up to a standing position (with help) and gets upset when we set him back down again.

Despite Ethan being a bit crabbier, we've had a great week. Hopefully our prediction of teething is right, and in the next few weeks Ethan will be more comfortable... we were just starting to really enjoy sleeping through the night!


Sarah said...

I can't wait to watch him in that swing. There's nothing cuter than Ethan's laugh.... Maybe a May trip to Maine *is* in order...

Andrea said...

The swing is truly a great thing! Ethan looks like he is loving the new toy. So fun! Also, I love the photo of him standing up - I can almost picture him running around!