Thursday, July 29, 2010

Fun times Outdoors!

Do I like smoothies? Let me think about that one...
Yes I do!!

Swinging at Deering Oaks Park in Portland

Relaxing in the park


Another fun week enjoying the summer weather. We checked out a new park in Portland, spent a couple of days at the beach, and visited a couple of local Farmers' Markets. Lots of fun!
Not much new on the Ethan front- he continues to sharpen his crawling, and cruising skills. His word of the week is "pup" He says it whenever he sees a dog, and we noticed that he was calling the seagulls at the beach "pups" as well!
Ethan has decided this week to change his sleep schedule a bit- much to our dismay, Ethan has decided that 5 a.m is a great time to wake up in the morning! I'm trying to find the silver lining in our new sleep schedule- now that he waking earlier, his first nap is earlier, so we'll be able to start attending 10 a.m story time at our local library- how's that for glass half full!!??

1 comment:

Andrea said...

You always have to find the silver lining! Ethan looks like a Fowler in the first picture - I love that one. It's seems like Ethan has a lot of words in his vocabulary already - so so so cool! Miss you guys - can't wait to see Ethan and Sam together again.