Thursday, August 12, 2010

Lake House!

New beach toys

Ethan and Uncle Bob are buddies

One of my favorites...

Grandma and Grandpa at the lake

My Little Sailor

This past week was a fun one! Every year Ken and Melissa rent a house on Sebago Lake. In fact, just last year, we were swimming in the lake and riding on the boat the week before Ethan arrived! We spent lots of good quality time hanging out family, swimming, tubing off the boat, and digging in the sand. Ethan's cousins Marshall, Maddie, and Jack took every opportunity to interact and play with Ethan, and Ethan loved observing his big cousins. A great time was had by all!

We continue working on getting Ethan to sleep in his crib. He is doing pretty well, especially with naps. I'm sure being so exhausted from all of the activity at the lake helped, but he has been taking a two hour nap in the morning. Afternoon naps this week have either been on the boat or in the car, so once we are home more often with a regular schedule, we'll be working on this too. Nighttime has been better also. Ethan sleeps in the crib until 2 or 3 am and then comes into the bed. The difference this week is that he has been going right back to sleep once in bed- a great improvement from last week!

Ethan's little personality is developing daily. He'll do whatever it takes to get a laugh from us. He'll do goofy things like shake his head around, or make silly sounds. He has perfected the wave. And a few days ago while he was eating hummus with Aunty Margo she offered him a chip and he shook his head and said, "N-" We haven't seen or heard this since, but he was definitely getting his point across that he didn't want what she was offering. He loves anything with wheels including the vacuum cleaner. He thinks this is another toy just for him that I drag around the house so he can play. He follows the canister all around the house, turning it on and off while I clean. Needless to say, vacuuming takes a little bit longer these days.

Even though it's harder to get things done, we wouldn't have it any other way. We love our little guy to pieces- every day he is doing something new to amuse or make us adore him even more (if that's at all possible!)


Grandpa F. said...
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Grandpa F. said...

Great pictures of our little guy! We had so much fun playing at the lake!