Friday, September 24, 2010

First Steps!

Ethan loves the fridge and will pick out all of the food he knows belongs to him!

A few shots from our day in Ogunquit with Uncle Adam

Over the weekend, Uncle Adam came for a visit. We hadn't seen him in about 6 months, as he was in school in Italy. The last time Adam had seen Ethan, he was still pretty immobile- boy has a lot changed! We had a nice weekend playing, sightseeing, and most importantly, eating! (Adam was studying Italian cooking)

Our biggest news from the week, is that Ethan took his first steps! I think he surprised himself a bit. We were playing with his toys, when suddenly he stood up, looked at me, and took three steps over to the couch. That was last Sunday and he hasn't taken any more steps on his own since then, but it's still official- he definitely took a few unaided steps! I think it's only a matter of weeks before he's getting around on his own.

Ethan has added "bubble" to his list of words. When we blow bubbles for him, he says, "Bub, bub." He continues to say mama, dada, and pup. He says other things that sound like words to us, but we don't think he has attached meaning to them yet- he certainly is a chatter box though- so much in fact that it draws comments from other moms!

My newest attempt to get Ethan to sleep more soundly at night has been limiting him to one nap per day. This has been kind of fun for us as it opens up the whole morning for us to attend activities that are offered in the community. We went to story time here in Freeport on Tuesday morning. Ethan was doing wonderfully listening to the books as they were read, participating in the rhymes and songs, and watching the other babies- until they brought out the snacks!! Each child got one graham cracker. Of course, Ethan was finished with his cracker before the basket had even gotten around the room! For the next 10 minutes, all Ethan could focus on was the fact that the other children had cookies and he did not! He talked all about it, pointing to the crackers in his neighbors' hands for the rest of story time!

We also attended a weekly playgroup at the Community Center. There were a lot of the same babies at story time, and the playgroup so I think this will be a great way for Ethan to connect to some other local kids. As long as I keep Ethan well fed, I think that he will really enjoy making new friends!


Sarah said...

I can't wait to hear Ethan "talking" this weekend, and hopefully I'll be there to see a few steps!

Andrea said...

Yay Yay Yay for walking Ethan! He so so so adorable! I can't wait to see him again.