Friday, September 17, 2010

Happy Birthday Marshall!

Uncle Ken and Ethan

One of Ethan's favorite spots is on Daddy's shoulders

Jack and Ethan take the convertible for a spin

Off into the sunset

Grandpa and I discussing the ins and outs of Fort Williams

Ethan, Uncle Ken and I at Fort Williams

Ethan and his fashion diva cousin Madeline

Over the weekend we spent lots of time with family. We spent Saturday at Fort Williams, having lunch, playing games, and taking in the views. Ethan loves being around his cousins and just sort of watches them in awe. He was content to spend the day sitting on a blanket, rolling his cars around, and hitching a ride on my back to look at the lighthouse, fort, and ocean views.

Sunday we celebrated cousin Marshall's 7th birthday. There were lots of kids there, playing with trucks, having tea parties, and running around. Ethan got right into the mix, and had a blast playing. He would crawl right up to the kids and "talk" to them about whatever toy they had at the moment. The younger ones didn't quite know what to make of Ethan's language, and would sort of blankly stare at him, but Ethan was oblivious, and was certain that he had passed on some key information!

We suspect that Ethan is getting closer and closer to walking. This week he is easily balancing himself on a wooden push toy we have and will walk across the living room and kitchen. He does it with no effort! At times when he has pulled himself up on a chair or couch, he'll let go and can stand for a few seconds. He has no real interest in holding our hands and taking steps. He'll take a few steps, but quickly realizes he can move much more quickly if he drops down and crawls. We are certainly in no rush, but all the signs point to Ethan walking in the next few weeks!

Much to my dismay, this week Ethan has been sleeping horribly at night! Once I think that we have the sleep thing down, Ethan changes! He has been taking really long naps during the day, so I'm wondering if he's so well rested, that he can't stay asleep at night. We are trying to tweak this now and wake him up if his afternoon nap goes too long. I hate waking him up when he is sleeping so peacefully, but I hate staying up all night with him much more! We'll keep chugging along and trying to figure this out! I know that eventually he'll sleep... right?!

Thanks for reading along and keeping up with our adventures! Till next week!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

I can't wait to come up and hear the "Ethan language"! I'll see you guys next week...