Monday, October 11, 2010

Farm Animals, Acadia, and New Puppies!

Ethan meets the sheep at Sweetser Farm.

Meeting little Gunner for the first time.

A few shots from Acadia National Park- Jordon Pond.

Ethan's first taste of popovers from Jordon Pondhouse... more please!

Checking out the pumpkins at Bishop Hill in CT.

It's been a few weeks since I was able to get on and write. We've been busy, busy with visitors, a last minute trip to CT, and a few days away at Acadia National Park. Ethan has been a trooper through all of our activity- in fact, I really think he enjoys seeing all of the new people and places.

We just got back from spending three wonderful days in Bar Harbor/Acadia for Pete's birthday. The weather was a little chilly but Ethan loved hiking in Acadia, strolling around Bar Harbor, and taking in the sights. Pete and I marveled (again) at what a big kid Ethan is becoming. He ate off of the 'kids menu' twice while we were away, even eating the rice and beans that came with his quesadilla and drinking out of a kid's cup with a straw. It was so strange for us to see our little guy sitting with us, and eating off of the menu rather than having us spoon feed him baby food from jars!

Pete and I have been visiting Acadia every year since we moved to Maine, and one of the highlights of our trip is to hike around Jordon Pond, and then eat at the Jordon Pond House and enjoy their famous popovers. We decided that the trip would not be complete if we didn't introduce Ethan to our tradition- boy did he love those popovers! He couldn't get enough! Pete and I kept saying that we knew we loved Ethan because we were willing to share our popovers with him!

Once we were back home, we were excited to go meet the newest addition to our family. Uncle Ken and Auntie Melissa got a new puppy named Gunner. Ethan had a fun time crawling around in the yard with the new pup. I think that he was a little surprised to discover that he was real!!

After spending time with Gunner, we headed to Sweetser Farm. Uncle Bob and Auntie Margo volunteer their time at a local farm -- feeding the animals, mucking the stalls, and doing other farm chores, so it's a great opportunity for Ethan to get up close and personal with all of the farm animals that we read about in our books. He couldn't stop smiling as we met the geese, chickens, ducks, sheep, goats, and horses. He loved Charlie the horse so much, that he actually tried to give him a hug! I'm sure as Ethan gets older we'll be spending a lot more time at the farm and Uncle Bob may even put him to work!

Ethan continues to amaze us with what he knows and what he is able to do. The other day we were playing in his room, and he picked up one of his books, put it on his little chair, and then proceeded to climb into the chair on his own, open the book, and read it!! I was blown away! He does this every time we are in his room now- it is adorable!

While we were hiking, Pete asked Ethan if he wanted his juice, and clear as anything, Ethan looked at him and said, "Yes." Pete and I looked at each other, wondering if we'd really just heard what we thought we'd heard!

Ethan is still taking tentative steps every now and again, but nothing reliably yet. I've noticed that if there are things to "cruise" along and hang on to, he'll spend more time upright rather than crawling. I'm not sure when he decide that he's ready to be a full time walker, but it seems like it could be any day now.

Ethan has perfected the "point"! He'll point out what he wants. He'll point out things he finds interesting in his environment. He'll point out who he wants to pick him up. He has definitely learned that pointing has power! I much prefer the point to the 'grunting whine' that he used to make to get his point across. We are working to match up words to whatever it is that he is pointing at just so he doesn't get too used to pointing without eventually having to name what it is he wants. I'm not too worried about Ethan not using his words though- he talks all day long!

Finally, my most favorite thing that Ethan has been doing lately is really snuggling. He has always been a snuggly kid, but lately he has been seeking us out when he needs comfort. The other day he was playing and then suddenly crawled over to me, climbed right into my lap, and laid his head on my chest to cuddle- melted my heart! I'm pretty sure that they don't get much cuter than my little guy!!

1 comment:

Andrea said...

Ethan is getting so big! I love the photos from the farm, the puppy, and Acadia. It sounds like you guys have had a wonderful week. Love hearing about everything Ethan is doing - can't wait to see you guys again.