Thursday, December 9, 2010

Christmas Trees and Holiday Cheer

Our tree!

Ethan inspected many of the trees as we walked around looking for the perfect one

 Helping Daddy cut down our tree

Helping to decorate

I'm sure Ethan is wondering why in the world there is a tree in our living room!

Daddy teaches Ethan how to turn on the lights

Ethan is extremely taken with our tree

Uh Oh!  He better get used to this white stuff or it's gonna be a long winter!

We are definitely feeling the holiday spirit in our home!  Pete, Ethan, and I have gotten our tree, decorated the house, and enjoyed some holiday cheer in downtown Freeport.  Ethan has been completely enthralled with it all. He loves looking at all of the beautiful lights as we walk through town, and he gets a huge smile on his face when he sees the horse drawn carriages clomping through the streets of Freeport. 

We've had a bit of snow, and he's not so sure about it. I'm not sure if he hates being bundled up and so protests being put down, or if he just dislikes this cold, white stuff covering the ground.  Either way, he's going to have to learn to get used to the bundles, and the white stuff- we do live in Maine, afterall!

We think his most favorite part of the holiday so far though, is our tree.  Every morning when we come downstairs, he lets out "oohs", and "ahhs", over the fact that there is still a tree in our house!  He knows that it his job to turn on the tree lights in the morning, or when we come home from our errands.  He takes his job very seriously!  He has been pretty good with the ornaments so far, only pulling off the least breakable ones.  When he gets really quiet, I know where to find him- hiding behind the tree touching the ornaments that are more fragile!  All in all though, having the tree in the house with Ethan has been more pleasant than Pete and I had anticipated.  We were strategic in our placement of ornaments this year, which has helped immensely!

Other than enjoying the holiday preparation, we've settled back into our routines at home.  Ethan and I have continued attending story time at our local library, and playgroup at our community center.  It's a great way for Ethan to interact with other kids, and maybe even more importantly, for me to interact with other moms!  It's fantastic for us to get out, and after attending these activities, Ethan always seems to be tuckered out enough to take a nice, long nap! 

We are loving December and are aware of how quickly the days are passing.  The holidays are so much more magical when you have a little one to share them with! 

Thanks for reading!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

His reaction to the tree is very funny. It IS weird to suddenly have a tree in your living room! What we've grown used to, he's still wtf-ing, which is probably a more appropriate reaction. :)