Friday, January 21, 2011

17 Months Old!!

Sam and Ethan hard at play

Taking a snack break

Checking out the fish tank at LL Bean

Ethan loves the Gendrons!  Snuggling before bed.
Our little guys have grown so much!  This picture was taken last November 2009

Pushing the babies in the stroller at Grandma and Papa's house is one of Ethan's favorites

Driving the bus at Stepping Stones Museum

Ethan loved the water room at the museum

Playing with the shapes

We had so much fun playing in the snow (even though Ethan doesn't look so happy in this shot)
 Last weekend Ethan's friend Sam (and our friends Andrea and Joel) came to visit us.  The boys are only a couple of weeks apart in age, and we've been getting them together since they were just months old.  Each time we get them together, we are all so amazed at how alike they are, and how much older they have gotten since the last visit. 

This time, they interacted more than ever before.  Ethan was very intrigued by having another person that was his size around.  He inspected every part of Sam from the hair on his head (literally) to his toes (again, literally).  At one point, when Ethan and Sam were having apple pieces for snack, Ethan decided that he would take care of his buddy by putting his apple piece in Sam's mouth- awfully cute!  The boys had a great time playing trains and running around at LL Bean.  It's so nice to know that Ethan has a great friend to grow up with!

Pete, Ethan, Barley and I came down to Connecticut on Wednesday.  We had a free day before Pete left for work, so we decided to check out a local childrens' museum with Grandma and Grandpa Y.  Ethan had a fantastic time running around from exhibit to exhibit, but his favorite by far was splashing around in the water room. It's a good thing they had smocks available! The museum was great, and watching Ethan play and discover was pretty cool.

Ethan is adapting more and more to the cold weather and is actually beginning to enjoy it.  We got more snow today and so we took the opportunity to suit up (far less painful today) and go out and play.  Auntie Sarah and I sledded down the small hill in our yard, taking turns with Ethan on our laps. He seemed a little uncertain, and we're still not sure how he felt about it.  On some trips down he had a definite smile, on others he seemed apathetic. Next time we'll try a bigger hill, which might be more fun for him... or terrifying. Ethan was happy to help shovel and brush the snow off of the cars, but his favorite activity was definitely eating endless amounts of snow. 

Tomorrow Ethan will be 17 months old!  It has flown by!  Everyone told me that the time would go quickly and it definitely does.  We are loving our little toddler despite the beginnings of temper tantrums and screams to get his way!  He is such a little character.  He loves to dance and has a variety of "moves" depending on the music.  And he is funny!  He will do anything to get a laugh- make silly noises, spin around, or be a goof with his juice (he thinks he is hysterical when he lets it drip down his chin!)  I know that I am repeating myself, but we are loving watching this amazing little person blossom a little bit more every day.


Andrea said...

Love the picture of Ethan in the water. Great photos! Ethan is such a cool little guy and it is so fun to see the boys grow up together.

Sarah said...

I will vouch for the fact that Ethan's got some dance moves. My favorite is the vibratory shake of the head. :D

It's hard to play "Just Dance" on the Wii, though, when Ethan insists on dancing along right under your feet!