Thursday, April 28, 2011

A Happy Easter, Despite a Little Cold!

Ethan showing off the goodies that the Easter Bunny left (by the way, the Cadbury in the basket was for Daddy!!)

Playing army guys with his big cousins

Ethan LOVED the Easter egg hunt and ran around yelling, "Eggy!" every time he found one


Cousins Post-hunt

Auntie Sarah poses with Ethan and I

My little man!

Papa and his boys

We had a very nice Easter though it got off to a rocky start.  The day we were planning to leave for CT, we found ourselves visiting the pediatrician.  Ethan was diagnosed with pink eye and a head cold.  This was the first time Ethan has really been sick.  He's had sniffles here and there, but this was the first time that Pete and I actually considered cancelling our travel plans.  The doctor assured us that Ethan's pink eye would no longer be contagious after we started giving him drops, and he seemed to be in good spirits, so we decided to go ahead with our plans to visit our family for the holiday.

We had a nice visit, despite Ethan's runny nose. He was a trooper!  We traveled to Long Island on Saturday and Ethan had a great time playing with all of the trucks and cars that Aunt Carol had saved up for him.  It was nice to see family that we only get to visit with a few times a year.

Sunday morning we celebrated Easter with the Fowlers.  Ethan had so much fun going on his first Easter Egg hunt.  So much fun in fact, that for the rest of the day, whenever we had a chance, we'd "re-hide" the eggs in the yard so that he could look for them.  Every time he'd find one, he'd shout, "Eggy!"  Very adorable!

Since returning home from our CT weekend, we have been laying low at home.  We skipped story time and playgroup this week, to hang around the house and rest.  I must say, whether I'm out and about with Ethan, watching him interact with other kids, or snuggling with him on the couch watching Bob the Builder, I just can't get over the immense amount of love and affection that I have for this little guy.  He is just the best, best, ever!


Sarah said...

Now I'm the one at home with a cold.... but I guess it was worth it...

Laura said...

Oh no! So sorry we brought our little germ down to CT- but he's awfully cute, huh?