Thursday, June 9, 2011

Beating the Heat!

Ethan and Kelly (my cousin's daughter)

Hanging out on the beach

Here is the difference between girls and boys.  My cousin sits her little girl down and Kelly stays there playing with sand.  Ethan however, pops up and runs directly into the water and is soaked from head to toe!  I think he was just as surprised as I was!

First time having cotton candy... "what is this stuff?"

"Not too bad"

"How much of this stuff can I get in my mouth at one time??!!"

Dada, Ethan, and Barley check out the planes at Waveny Park

New dump truck!

It's been so hot in CT, that Ethan decided that standing and playing at his water table wasn't cool enough- why not climb in and take a dip?
We've continued to enjoy our stay in Connecticut.  Ethan loves getting to see all of his grandparents regularly and has been loving the freedom of the warm weather to run, swim, and play.  I've been having a great time bringing Ethan to places that I remember going to as a kid. 

Ethan has been talking up a storm.  His speech is pretty clear and he is really good at expressing his wants and needs without too many tantrums (I know that we're not out of the woods yet!)  He is beginning to understand so much and is getting to the point where I can talk to him, and he gets it.  For example, there is a local dairy store near my parents house called Stew Leonards.  We took Ethan there last year, and he was terrified of a (fake) cow that mooed really loudly. Ever since then, when we pulled into the parking lot he would scream and scream, and wouldn't stop until we left the store.  The other day, we had to go there to pick up a few things, so I started to prep him by telling him the cow was all gone and there was nothing to worry about. We talked about it a lot.  When we got to the store, he was a little nervous but proceeded to tell anyone who would listen to him that, "Moo, all gone"  We got through the store happily, avoiding the cow, and now we can go back and he just reassures himself that the cow is gone.  I just think it's so cool that he understands so much and trusts me when I tell him it's okay.

We've been trying to stay cool in this crazy heat.  We've spent a lot of time playing with the hose, splashing in the water table, and most recently, swimming in the pool.  Ethan has been taking the heat in stride and actually doesn't seem to be too bothered by it.  This is a good thing, as the season just beginning to heat up!

Thanks for reading!


Sarah said...

The pictures with the cotton candy are priceless!

Andrea said...

Whoa cotton candy! I bet Ethan loved it! Your photos are so beautiful - I can't believe that Ethan is getting
so big. I also love your "moo all gone" story. I can't wait to see him again!