Saturday, September 10, 2011

Ethan Turns Two!!

Future Picasso?

Checking out the rocks on Peaks' Island

The boys go out for a boat ride at Ken and Melissa's lake house

Birthday cake #1

Birthday cakes #2, and #3 (my mom made these!!)

Hanging out in a tree at his 2nd birthday party!

Juice box break

Ethan couldn't have been more pleased to have everyone singing Happy Birthday to him!


Ethan got a "few" presents!

Mia and Ethan sharing some "coffee"

We spent the day at the zoo on Ethan's birthday

He got a real kick out of being a bee

And he loved checking out the prairie dogs
Birthday party #2!
Soaking up some attention!
Digging in!

Birthday party # 3 with our Maine family

The birthday boy

Dada and Ethan check out a plane at the airshow

Watching the Blue Angels

Papa and Ethan check out a digger at the Thomas Point Bluegrass Festival
As you can probably tell from the pictures, we've kept quite busy!  August flew by with lots of playing, family visits, and of course the big birthday bash to celebrate our little man turning 2!  Our celebrating began with a party thrown by Grandpa George and G Ma.  We were overwhelmed with all of our friends and family who traveled to celebrate with us.  Ethan had a blast!  My most favorite part of the day was watching the look on Ethan's face as everyone sang, "Happy Birthday" to him.  He had a look of wonder, amazement, and pure joy as he looked around the room and realized that everyone was singing to him!  It was incredibly adorable! 

Pete and I took Ethan to the Bronx Zoo on his birthday and he had a wonderful time running around, checking out the animals, and feeding the goats and sheep in the petting zoo.  We had celebration number 2 on the evening of Ethan's birthday with a pizza dinner with our parents, Grandma D, and Uncle Adam, and of course more cake.  Finally, we had party number 3 in Maine with our northern family.  Ethan is a really lucky guy to have so many generous and loving friends and family members to help him celebrate.

Watching Ethan turn two has been bittersweet.  He is such an amazingly happy, funny, curious, entertaining, and loveable guy.  And while I look forward to continuing to watch him grow and change, I can't help looking back at pictures from over the years and just wishing that we could slow things down, just a bit.  I love the person he is at two- he loves all things with wheels, and can even identify the various working vehicles- bulldozer, bucket truck, cement mixer, front loader, etc.  He loves puzzles, and Bob the Builder.  He loves to snuggle his mama, and will often ask for hugs and kisses.  When we are in different rooms, he will yell to us that he. "misses us."  He loves to run and play outside, though he is a cautious little one and will never choose the biggest slide to go down, or the highest tower to climb.  He loves to dance, especially when he can enlist dance partners.  He makes us laugh constantly when he talks in his funny, low, growly voice.  He is a joy and has brought more happiness into our lives than we could have ever imagined possible. 

Enjoy the pictures (I know there are so many!!) and now that things are calming down a bit, we'll get back to regularly blogging.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The trucks are so cute!!! Good job, Mom!