Friday, October 7, 2011

Shelling beans at The Common Ground Fair

My little cabbage

Bare foot and happy playing with hula hoops at the fair
Ethan loved running through the fields at the apple orchard with Aunt Mookie and me

Apple sling shot- way cool!

Ethan took a load off while apple picking

He loved driving the tractor- we had to bribe him off with kettle corn!

This is how Fowlers camp- rain or shine- Ethan was completely oblivious to the weather!

The boys tend the fire

A little entertainment with Uncle Bob

Jack, Ethan, and Marshall are making "stew"

Grandma and her babies

Here are some shots from the last couple of weeks.  We're staying busy and Ethan enjoys even the most mundane things- going to the grocery store or the library is a huge adventure in his world.  So our annual VT camping trip in the rain was the best thing ever!  He loved being with his cousins and wanted to do everything that they were doing.  He wanted to break sticks and put them in the fire, help set up tents, and spread out tarps.  He was a great little camper and I'm sure we have a lot of trips in our future- hopefully ones that have a little more sun!

Ethan has always been a snuggler, but as his language develops, it's really cute to hear him express his affection.  Lately he has been saying, "I wuv you Mama" without being prompted.  Or he'll tell Pete, "I need a kiss" and will say, "Thanks" after we oblige him.  It's so nice to hear him express his feelings for us- makes those tantrums a little more bearable!

Thanks for reading!

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