Sunday, December 4, 2011

Catching up! November and December pics

Sam and Ethan- playing with Thomas is serious stuff!

Molly and Ethan

Ethan's first "train ride."  We rode the subway in Boston with Sam, Andrea, and Joel

Sharing noodles at one of my favorite restaurants called Wagamama

Thanksgiving- eating Thomas cake

Grandpa George's trains were a big hit with the kids at Thanksgiving

"The big city"  Riding the ferris wheel in Toys R Us- Time Square

FAO Schwartz

Shockingly enough, Ethan loved the trains at Schwartz!

Ethan takes the "Big Piano" for a spin

Thanksgiving Day Parade with Grandma and Papa

Ethan's first movie- he loved being one of the big kids with his cousins

Ethan and Daddy found the perfect tree

Ethan helps Auntie cut down the tree

A successful trip!

5 months pregnant- for those who haven't heard, we're having a BOY!
Ethan loved decorating the tree

Daddy and Ethan set up the trolley under the tree

Murphy the puppy pays us a visit- now Ethan says he,"Would love to have a puppy!"  Poor Barley!!

Ethan has graduated to a big boy bed!

Checking out his new Thomas blanket
Here are pictures from the month of November and a few from the past week.  As you can see, we've had lots of adventures!  Enjoy the pics!


Anonymous said...

"Murphy's following me! So cuut! I love you too, Murphy!" That was the most fun I've had watching Ethan ever!

Laura said...

It was pretty stinking adorable! All day Ethan kept trying to get Barley to interact and play with him, and Barley would just give a grumpy growl... Ethan and Murphy were like little soul mates!

Andrea said...

Whoa! First of all, how did you get to look so pregnant so quickly? And, second, when did Ethan get his big bed? I'm going to have to call you this week!!