Thursday, January 26, 2012

11 Things (because I couldn't stop at 10) That I Love about My Nearly Two and a Half Year Old

1.  I love that Ethan wraps his arms around me and says, "You know Mama, I really love you."
2.  I love that if I say, "Ouch" that Ethan says, "oh Mama, let me kiss it and make it better" and proceeds to give me a big kiss.
3.  I love that he is beginning to have a sense of wrong and right and that you should stick up for what's right.  The other day at story time, an older kid pushed a baby over (the baby happened to be Ethan's friend) and Ethan looked right at that big kid and said, "It's NOT nice to push people!"
4.  I love that Ethan is becoming more than just my son,  he is now my little buddy.  The other day we were sitting at the Children's Museum having a snack and we were actually having a real conversation.  He offered to share his favorite museum snack (Pirate's Booty) with me.  Just the way that he offered made him sound so grown up!
5.  I love that Ethan talks about baby Nate in such a kind, sweet way and I don't even have to prompt him.  It's as though this baby is already part of his every day life.  He thinks about him a lot- what he will like, what he will want to do.  And I love that when he asks to "see" baby Nate, he lifts of my shirt and snuggles his cheek to my belly and gives Nate gentle little kisses.
6.  I love that Ethan has a great sense of humor and always makes me laugh.
7.  I love that the simplest things, like getting an ice cream cone at Stew Leonard's and watching the train go around the store causes Ethan to do a happy dance.
8.  I love that I am lucky enough to get to spend my days with this little guy, and experience every minute of his ups and downs.
9.  I love that when we wake up in the morning, he doesn't want to get up- he just wants to lay in bed and snuggle.
10.  I love that lately, if I can't find Ethan, and I creep up to his room, I'll discover him in bed, reading books quietly to himself or arranging his special blocks on his windowsill.11.  I love watching Ethan adore the people around him.  He is so excited to play with his grandparents, cousins, Aunts, and Uncles- he calls them all his friends, and if you are very lucky, he might even tell you that you are his best friend! 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awww! I love this post!