Sunday, August 12, 2012

The last 3 months in Pictures!

We spent lots of time in CT at the Children's  Museum.

Nate, 2 months!

We helped Grandma plant her garden.
We went to see a parade.

We visited the Bronx Zoo.

We drove our dump truck around and around and around!

Nate, 3 months!

We helped Uncle Bob drive his tractor.
We rode rides at the Clam Festival.

We took naps with Mama and Daddy.

We're getting really good at playing board games!

Nate!  We're getting really good at rolling and holding up our head.
We sat on diggers while we watched diggers!!

We spent time on the beach with friends- Ethan and Sam at Ogunquit
We put our feet in the sand!

We did lots of digging!

We practiced sitting up in our Bumbo seat.

Nate, 4 months!

We played in the pool.

Nate and Ethan love each other!

We spent more time at the beach!
 Hard to believe it's been 3 months since I last blogged!  Obviously, a lot has changed- namely, Nate!  He has gone from being a tiny little guy who just layed around taking in the world, to this active learner.  He is rolling like crazy, talking and cooing up a storm, and putting everything in his mouth- including his older brother as is evident in the second to last picture!  He continues to have a such a sweet personality.  He is content to be held, or lay on the floor.  When he wakes from naps, he just waits in his bed, plays with his toes, and is happily surprised when I go into the room to get him.  He lights up when Ethan interacts with him.  In fact, the other night, we were eating dinner.  I had Nate on my lap, and Ethan was eating in the seat across from us.  Ethan was doing something goofy with his fork and spoon, and I asked him to stop.  But every time he clanged them together, Nate would let out a belly laugh that would totally encourage Ethan to disregard me and do it some more!  I'm in trouble with these two!  I want nothing more than for them to have a relationship where they make each other laugh always, even if it's at my expense!

Ethan has had a great summer, splitting time between Maine and Connecticut.  He is a great little traveler and goes with the flow, even though our life is a bit crazy these days.  He seems happy to be wherever we land, and his biggest concern always is how to transport his toys from one location to the next.  We had a talk a few weeks back about why we have to stay with Grandma and Papa so often, and how Daddy works in CT now, which is far from our house. Ethan's response was, "Mama, we have to figure out a way to push Daddy's work closer to our house!"  Don't we know it kid!!

Hopefully there will be an end in sight and some resolution shortly to our double state existence.  Until then, we'll do our very best to enjoy our time with our families.  Glad that my boys are so great at going with the flow and that we have such great parents to support us through our transition!

Other than lots of traveling from state to state, things are pretty much the same.  Ethan is all about "mighty machines" all the time.  He can't get enough of trucks, cars, and construction vehicles.  He sings the "mighty machines" ( a t.v series that documents various trucks and machines) theme song constantly.  He calls his hands his grabbers, and is more than willing to eat his dinner as long as we pretend that his mouth is a garbage truck!  I love that he is so passionate about trucks- and I have to say that it's rubbing off on me- my heart jumps a bit when I see a really cool digger, or a really big crane!

This time I won't promise to blog more regularly because clearly that hasn't happened.  I will just promise to do my very best- maybe once every 2 months instead of every 3!!


Anonymous said...

I love that so many of the pictures of Ethan involve him riding a vehicle of some sort. :)

Laura said...

I didn't even notice that! Too funny! I guess the kid knows what he likes!!

Andrea said...

Nate is changing so much! I love the monthly shots of him. We recently met another little boy the same age as Ethan and he was all about diggers and mighty machines! I guess it's the thing to like! I hope we get to see you guys soon. Happy Birthday Ethan!