Wednesday, February 20, 2013

February Fun!

Maritime Center with Grandma and Papa

Mesmerized by turtles

Nate checks out the sharks

Ethan and Big Scoop get the job done in our big snow storm

Testing out his new tricycle!

Nate explores at Stepping Stones Childrens' Museum

Whenever we visit the museum, Ethan tries out this bike- this is the first visit that his feet reached the peddles!  He's getting so big!

Baby in a dump truck!

Nate- 10 and 1/2 months

Big Scoop delivers Valentine's Day packages!

Had to add this as it is a rarity- all tuckered out after a super fun birthday party

The boys play with Ethan's garage

We celebrated Grandma's birthday- Ethan insisted that she would LOVE a bulldozer cake- so here it is!

He bulldozed his way through his piece of cake!
Sleepy Nate and his elephant!
Here are a few of our end of January/beginning of February shots.  Not too much has changed since my last post (yay, as that means it hasn't been two months since I had a chance to write!!) Nate continues to get more and more confident being upright more than on the ground. He is cruising around and getting quicker- not too much letting go and balancing on his own, but I don't think it's too far off.  He continues to be a little clown and will do anything for a laugh- including growling, grunting, squealing, or inhaling and making a high pitched sound.  He is delighted when you copy his sounds, and will go back and forth as though he's having a conversation.  He has also begun to shake his head around- not so much in a no, no sort of way, more in a, "I'm being silly, look at me" sort of way.  He's just too cute!  He's also getting more and more playful.  For example, he'll take a magnet off of the fridge and toss it, and wait for you to react. He gets a real charge when we do, and then will do it over and over again.

He will still eat almost anything, and we are amazed at the amount of food he can put away.  Although this week, he's shown signs of being a little bit picky spitting out broccoli, and cheese cubes- we knew this "I'll eat everything" thing wouldn't last forever!

Ethan is great as well.  He would like nothing more than to play with Big Scoop all day long- he was quite a worker in the snowstorm, working to clear the driveways with both Papa, and Grandpa George.  As he would say, "He and Big Scoop had to get the job done!!"  He's content to be indoors working on puzzles, reading books, and watching his favorite shows, but I know that he'd much prefer to be out digging and playing with his trucks.

The snow is fun, but I for one am beginning to dream of warm spring days spent at playgrounds and parks!  Hoping the groundhog was right and that it's right around the corner!

Thanks for reading!

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