Wednesday, May 15, 2013

My, How Time Flies!!

A typical Wednesday at G Ma and Grandpa George's house- playing in the rice

Nate and G Ma visiting Chocolate World, Hershey, PA

Brianna and Ethan check out the chocolate
Hershey Park, train ride

Taking in the views on the Kissing Tower

Ethan LOVED riding on his first roller coaster!

The end of a great day!

Thomas the Train ride

Sir Topham Hat, a.k.a- Nate!

Nate checks out Thomas!

Fun little hike at the Nature Center

Ethan and I riding the ferris wheel at a local carnival.  Ethan exclaimed, "I didn't expect this ride to go so fast- it's my favorite!"

Nate climbs- no surprise here!

Ethan builds a ferry house at MacWorth Island in Falmouth, ME


Ethan and Uncle Ken talk heavy machinery

Uncle Ken let Ethan drive his tractor- made Ethan's day!

Nate gets in on the action

Where's Waldo, I mean, Ethan?

Can you tell that Ethan is happy?  We took a little road trip to the John Deere store!

As you can probably tell, we've kept quite busy over the past month, visiting Hershey, PA, riding Thomas the Train in Essex, CT and heading home to ME to celebrate Maddie's 8th birthday and Marshall and Maddie's first communion.  Lots of fun and adventures!  

So here's an update on the kiddos and their "happenings":

Nate is a climbing machine!  We can't keep him down- if there is something that can be scaled, he's doing it.  Pushing the dining room chairs under the table is no longer enough.  He still finds a way up!  Thankfully, he's pretty good at getting down on his own as well!  Nate is taking more and more steps- he continues to use crawling as his main mode of transportation, but day by day, the number of steps he's able to take at one time is increasing!  I really thought that he'd be walking by his first birthday- but just knowing how exhausted I am by his climbing, I am in NO rush for him to start walking!

In other Nate news, this past week, he's sprouted two more teeth, and also paid a visit to the pediatrician to get meds for his first double ear infection.  He started running a low fever on Saturday which we thought was a symptom of the teeth that were coming in.  But by Sunday night it was obvious that something else was going on.  He's on the mend now, thankfully!

He hasn't added too many more words to his genre, though he is making sounds that are conversational and pointing to things like crazy.  We love how he "talks."  Last night we were reading a book and I asked him to point to various pictures- banana, ball, baby, and to my surprise he did!  He's brilliant!!

Ethan news:   We've begun looking for preschools, which in and of itself is a challenge since we're not sure what town we'll be living in!  We've gone on many visits.  After one in particular, I asked Ethan was he thought of the school.  He replied with complete seriousness, "The toys were okay, but the kids were miserable!"  Where does he get this stuff?! Other than keeping us laughing with his quirky conversations and amazing us with knowledge that is way beyond his years, there's no real news- just trucks, trucks, trucks!!

My goal remains to post weekly as oppose to posting a gazillion pictures from the month- we'll see how that goes!  Thanks for reading!

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