Sunday, June 23, 2013


Ready for some parade action, Memorial Day

Ethan and Papa, hanging out with some ice pops

Putting Ethan to work early!

Ethan has all of the tools to enjoy this parade!

Helping Papa open the pool for the season

Cleaning the liner

Nate wasn't so sure about the pool- not much interest in splashing around, even when it was filling up- much happier to hang on the sidelines.

Father's Day at the zoo

Picking strawberries with G Ma

Nate couldn't shovel them in fast enough!

First attempt at basketball- he may have a future here.

They are getting old enough to play together- so sweet!
Summer is here and we are enjoying time spent doing "summery" things!  Ethan has been Papa's little helper, getting the yard mowed and fertilized (yup, fertilized) opening the pool, trimming tree limbs and loading them in the car.  Whatever the job, Ethan is excited to be involved!

Nate is 15 months old.  He now has six teeth, and is walking around like a champ.  He loves his belly button, and uses it as his soother, often walking around just rubbing his belly.  I feel guilty putting one piece outfits on him these days!  Yesterday he started giving kisses.  He's hit or miss whether he'll kiss me and Daddy, but if we hold up one of our puppets, he puckers right up. It's adorable.  He's got "Mama" down pat and I love hearing him call my name.  He amazes us with how much he understands.  The other day we asked Ethan to put his bowl in the sink,  Nate went over, picked that bowl up and marched over to the sink, reaching to get the bowl in.  He continues to love anything having to do with balls.  G Ma and Grandpa George took him to a playground recently where some kids were playing basketball and a dad and his kid were having a catch.  They said that Nate couldn't take his eyes off of the action.  It'll be so much fun to see how our boys grow and develop and where their interests lie.

Our biggest and most exciting news is that we bought a house!  We are super excited.  It's in Trumbull, CT.  It's a town that we'd never thought to consider, but it seems like it will be a good fit for us.  Twenty minutes from our parents, close to friends, and not a long commute for Pete (as long as he can find a way to avoid traffic)  We close at the end of July.  This has been a crazy year and a half and though I wouldn't change a lot of it, I'm so thrilled to get some normalcy back for our family.  I'm sure there will be lots of pictures of our move and lots of fun stories about how we are all adjusting (good and bad- hopefully mostly good!!)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I want to go on a dinosaur safari! Also, that is an excellent face on Nate in the pool picture. :|