Thursday, May 20, 2010

Almost There!

Nothing is safe anymore!

Love those big blues

Loving the playground at Bradbury Park

Auntie Sarah hikes Bradbury with us

Up on all fours

Hmmmm, looks interesting

Almost there...

Water bowl

This is fun!

We love having visitors! This week Auntie Sarah came from Connecticut to play with us. It so interesting to watch Ethan's reaction to people that are not present in his everyday life. He gets shy and gives an adorably cute little coy smile. He watches the new person but makes sure that Pete and I are still close by. He warmed up to Auntie Sarah in no time when he discovered that she would roll around with him on the floor, make funny sounds, and build blocks with him. We had a great visit! One of the highlights was taking Ethan on his first hike. We have a small state park very close to our house called Bradbury State Park. It is the perfect place to take a short hike and reach a beautiful summit. They also have a great playground and Ethan loves the swings. We put Ethan in our baby backpack, and he was completely content to take in all of the wilderness views. A great day had by all!

Ethan is so close to crawling! In fact, last night he took four crawl steps and then fell to his belly, but we haven't seen him do it again since. Any day now, he is going to be taking off! He has mastered the art of combat crawling to get what he wants, as evidenced in the pictures of him getting into Barley's water bowl. We can't take our eyes off of him for a second! He is also beginning to realize that not only are there fun things on the floor, but there are surfaces above him that contain interesting objects as well. He is beginning to pull himself up on furniture or at the very least teeter on his knees to check out the higher elevations around the house. This week I've had to save the computer, camera, and a water bottle- all items that I thought were safely stowed and out of reach!

In food news, we've discovered a new, healthy favorite. Ethan loves Quinoa! It's a grain that is high in protein. I've mixed it with fruits for breakfast and veggies and cheese for dinner- he really enjoys it in any form.

We are so very close to Ethan really getting moving- check back for videos of the real deal when it happens!

1 comment:

Andrea said...

I LOVE LOVE LOVE the picture of Ethan in the swing. He looks perfect! It's so funny how kids move, because Sam hasn't even noticed that there are things above him yet - or really, that there are interesting things around him, as he only wants to stand. I think it's so cool that Ethan is so interested in the higher up world! (And, I've never heard of Quinoa? Where do you buy it?)