Thursday, May 27, 2010


Trying to stay cool

It's hard work being the big brother

Tub Time
What a crazy week it has been! Last week we noticed that Ethan was not sleeping well at night, was irritable during the day, and was running a low-grade fever. I just assumed that he was starting to get more teeth. By Friday, Ethan's behavior wasn't changing and he still had a fever. We decided to have the doc check him to rule out any infections. No infections found, just red, irritated throat. We were told to continue Tylenol and Motrin and to give him lots of fluids.
Grandma and Grandpa Y came to visit on Saturday. We had a nice time despite Ethan's ailment. Monday morning the fever had finally broken, and we noticed a strange rash all over Ethan's forehead and chest. Luckily, Grandma was here and said that it looked like Roseola. We looked it up and sure enough, all of the symptoms matched up. Happily, the rash is gone, and for the most part, Ethan is back to his old self again. It's definitely heartbreaking having a sick baby- all I wanted to do was take his pain away and make him feel better!
Yesterday Ethan had his nine month check-up. We described Ethan's rash and Dr. Power confirmed Grandma's diagnosis. Ethan's newest stats are as follows- he is weighing in at 21 lbs. and 4 oz. putting him in the 75th percentile, he is 29 and 1/2 inches long- 90th percentile, and his head is 17 and 1/2 inches putting him in the 50th percentile. The doctor reports that he looks great and is right on target developmentally.
Our newest and most exciting news is that Ethan is mobile! He started officially crawling across the floor yesterday. Previously he had been taking a few shuffles and falling, but now, he is cruising! It's amazing to me how quickly everything came together for him- and boy is he proud of himself!


Unknown said...

can't believe how far he can go now! everything from the floor up is now a target!

Sarah said...

I love the very determined pouty-face that he's making in the video! Ugh... I came a week too early...

BTW, I love it when you post videos. Keep 'em coming!

Andrea said...

YAY ETHAN!!! That is too cute! I also love the look that he gives when he crawls - he is so determined!