Thursday, June 10, 2010

Camping... Well, Sort Of!

Ethan and Daddy

Hanging Out With Grandpa

I think Ethan likes the campsite

Reading with Uncle Ken, Maddie, and Jack

Playing on the Tarp

Over the weekend we traveled to Guilford, Vermont for our annual summer camping trip with my parents, my brothers, and their families. We had a wonderful weekend. Pete and I weren't brave enough to rough it with our whole family, so at night Ethan, my mom, and I headed to "camp out" in a nearby hotel, while Pete, Barley and the rest of my family slept in the woods. We were lucky enough to see the sun on Saturday and Ethan was happy to stroll around in the backpack, read books with Uncle Ken, crawl around in the tent, and watch his cousins Maddie and Jack play. All in all, it was a successful trip and now Pete and I are considering camping again at a nearby campground- if Ethan absolutely hates sleeping in the tent, we'll be close enough to home to throw in the towel!

Ethan is crawling EVERYWHERE!! He loves moving from room to room and seeing all of the new sites. Sometimes he gets so excited that he's moving that he'll try to go faster than his little legs and hands will allow and inevitably falls to the ground. He gets right up again, determined to explore some more. He is also pulling himself up to standing more and more. The only problem is that once he's up, he forgets that he has to hold on and goes tumbling! It's only a matter of time before he is "cruising" all over the house.

One of Ethan's newest and most adorable tricks is that he has begun to wave. He won't do it reliably, but when he feels like it he waves at Barley, the lights, his toys, pretty much anything he sees. It is SO cute!

I am loving this age! Ethan is becoming more and more fun to play with. He works hard to get me to laugh at him, even when it's bedtime and he should be going to sleep. He will do something goofy, and though I know I shouldn't engage him, inevitably I laugh at him, which sets him off into giggles and before I know it, we are laughing together! More and more, he is becoming my little sidekick and I love every minute that I get to spend with him.

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