Thursday, June 3, 2010

9 Months is So Much Fun!!

Happy Baby

Cute butt in a new cloth diaper

Playing before bed

This was a very fun toy!


Having a mobile child means having tired parents!! Ethan crawled last week, and hasn't looked back! He is constantly on the move and is curious about everything! At this point, his favorite things to explore are Barley's water bowl (much to Barley's dismay) and wires (much to our dismay!!) We are beginning the process of baby proofing the house- so far the outlets are covered. That's about all that we've done, but Ethan is progressing so quickly that we're thinking it's time to take out the gates, and cabinet locks, etc. Being mobile has opened up a whole new world for Ethan, and he is loving his new found independence. One of my favorite things about his ability to crawl, is that he loves to crawl over to me and "attack" He comes over with a huge smile on his face, going as fast as his little arms and legs will let him, and sort of falls on me and laughs- it is so darn cute!

We think that Ethan is starting to dance when he hears music. When one of his toys starts to play music Ethan will sit up and either shake his arms up and down, or he'll start to bounce. It could certainly be coincidental at this point, but we like to think that he is grooving...

Another big event this week is that Pete and I have started using cloth diapers with Ethan. We have talked about it and considered it since Ethan was born, but it always seemed a little overwhelming to take on with a tiny baby. Last week I decided to do some serious research into the cloth diapering options, and the pros and cons. The pros were pretty obvious- keeping loads of diapers from piling up in a landfill, saving a lot of money in the long run by not having to buy disposables, the fact that babies who are clothe diapered potty train earlier, etc. The cons are pretty obvious too- there's a bit of a yuck factor to it all. But, being the environmentalists that we are (for anyone who has visited our home you know about our composting, recycling, organic gardening, and so on) we decided that we would do a trial run and make a small investment by purchasing some cloth diapers. Well, we successfully used cloth for a week and it really isn't much more work than disposables. The only difficulty is that we were cloth diapering full time with a very small supply which meant lots of laundry. So, we placed an order for more diapers and we are proud to say we are a cloth diapering family now!

We are still having so much fun trying out new foods with Ethan. This week he discovered the joys of summer fruits! He loves blueberries and watermelon. We also gave him his first veggie dog and he loved it! We're glad that we have a kid who loves to eat just as much as we do! The only drawback to that is that whenever I eat anything now, I have four little eyes staring me down and begging for my food- Barley's and Ethan's!!

Hard to believe that Ethan is 9 months old- every month we wonder if he can get any cuter, or if this can get any more fun... yup and yup!

1 comment:

Andrea said...

He looks so blond!!!! And, the butt is so cute in those cloth diapers. Are they the G diapers? Hope that all is well - we have to get our little guys together soon. I'm off school on the 28th. Let me know what works for you!