Wednesday, December 22, 2010

16 Months!!!

He's getting the hang of using a fork... sort of

Modeling adorable pants made by Auntie Sarah

Front shot of his monster pants

Barley and Ethan

Ethan has begun to "snuggle" Barley as often as Barley will let him

What's this white stuff?

Well, if he doesn't like playing in it. at least we know he likes eating it!  He picked up all of the snow in the entry way for taste testing!

First success with picking up the food on his own with a fork- he was extremely proud of his fork skills

Isn't this how we all feel when there are cookies baking?  Ethan wanted them ALL!! 

Here are a few shots from the past couple of weeks.  Holiday preparation has taken us away from our weekly blog, but we'll be back at it in the New Year! 

                                         We hope that you all have a wonderful holiday! 


Sarah said...

Thanks for posting some pictures this week. Even though I'm going to see him tomorrow, I still am happy to have my "Ethan fix". :)

Andrea said...

Love the pics! I haven't even thought to have Sam use a fork yet! Love the idea! Nice Job Ethan!

Hope to see you guys soon - enjoy your time with the family!