Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Everything is Better with Friends and Family

Who is this big kid??!

We recently discovered that Ethan loves Pad Thai (and trying to eat with chopsticks)

Hanging with Grandpa

Sam and Ethan

Playing in water puddles

Snack time

We are so excited to have our yard back!

Future outdoorsman

LL Bean Fish
We've had lots of excitement over the past few weeks.  Auntie Sarah visited, and the day after she left, Grandma and Grandpa Y. came to visit for the weekend.  We had a great time playing and enjoying the spring weather.  Ethan loves having people visit, and often cries when he realizes that they are leaving.  If we tell him that it's time to say "bye bye", or "night night" to our visitors he will say, "more, more" as though pleading for just a few more minutes with his playmates.  He is such a lucky little guy to have so many people to love and adore him.

This past weekend, Ethan and I took a little road trip to visit our friends in Boston.  Ethan and Sam played non-stop!  They had such a great time together.  It is so much fun to see how much they have changed from visit to visit, and this time, they interacted more than ever before.  At one point they were having a little parade through the house with Sammy pulling a musical duck, and Ethan playing wooden sticks- very adorable!  We had a wonderful visit and are looking forward to lots of beach time with Andrea and Sam this summer.

Ethan is saying more and more words on a daily basis and is repeating everything!  I love hearing him talk- especially when he talks in his own language. I've realized more than ever this week that I need to watch what I say all the time.  Often times, when Barley is under my feet in the kitchen I will tell him to move.  Well, this week Ethan has been telling everyone and everything to move- it's really kind of funny to hear him say it, but now I'm trying to add a please on the end- even with the dog!

There are so many funny stories to tell about different things Ethan does and says, but one story stands out in my mind from over the past  few weeks.  We were in Friendly's having ice cream with Pete and his parents. After Ethan was done, I let him get out of his high chair and walk around.  A young waitress came over to Ethan and bent down and smiled at Ethan and asked him casually what he was doing.  He looked right at her and said, "Poop!"  Sure enough, I glanced down at him and saw the tell-tale red face- the waitress turned slightly red and just laughed.  At least we know he's honest!! 


Sarah said...

There's nothing cuter than saying goodbye to Ethan and having him say, "more, more." I definitely want to stick around longer when he does that. He's a little manipulator -- just like his mom! Heh heh...

Laura said...

We have a way of making people want to be around us- even move to the same state :)