Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Catching Up! Ethan 21 Months

Ethan is beginning to understand that crayons are for coloring- not for eating!

Ethan loves helping us in the kitchen- here he's helping Dada make pad thai

Visiting the museum with Grandma and Grandpa Y

Big kid, helping to peel the corn

He takes his job very seriously!

Trying out our new car from Uncle Ken and Auntie Melissa

Helping Dada and Papa build the deck around the pool

Ethan loved the Memorial Day parade

So very patriotic!

Keeping cool at the water table

Dada and Ethan watch the giraffes at the Bronx Zoo

Butterfly House at the zoo

Everyone got in on the act of flattening out the liner in the pool while it filled

Ethan was wet from head to toe and couldn't get enough "pool" time!
We're back!   I know it's been a long while since I posted- thus the large numbers of pictures this week!  We have been in CT for the past two weeks.  Ethan has been loving the summer like weather!  We've been loving it as well because Ethan is so active during the days, he is taking long naps, and sleeping like a log at night! 

As you can see from the pics, we've been staying very busy.  We are having a blast with Ethan.  He has the greatest personality- able to go with the flow, but can also express what he wants and needs.  Now that he is getting older, I'm finding it more difficult to find words to sum him up in a blog.  When he was a baby, it was easy to post a picture, and say he's gotten two more teeth or he took his first steps.  But now, Ethan is so much more than a photo.  He is this incredible little person, who is funny, and thoughtful, and sweet.  He loves to snuggle and give kisses.   He loves to push his trucks all over the yard.  He really gets a kick out of helping out- especially in the kitchen.  He is just so much fun to be around!

Enjoy the pics, and when life slows down a bit (does it ever?) I'll be back to blogging regularly. 

Thanks for reading!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Yay! Blog!

The best thing about hanging out with Ethan now is hearing him talk! I'm so happy he finally learned to say Auntie Mookie (or, at least, "Minky" :)

By the way, I love the butterfly picture!

Love, Auntie "Minky"