Saturday, October 29, 2011

October visits with Friends and Family

Grayson and Ethan making music in the kitchen

A walk on the beach

Grandma got Ethan this huge elephant...
Clearly, Ethan is in love
G Ma and Grandpa George took Ethan to the Childrens' Museum- he loved every exhibit- especially the big legos
An important lesson!
We visited the zoo with Grandma and Papa- Ethan had a visitor in the butterfly garden
I couldn't believe how gentle Ethan was with this butterfly- he was in awe!
Ethan has not been a "rider" as of yet, but he LOVED the Merry Go Round and rode it four times! He was very specific about wanting to ride the "blue beatle"
A day at the zoo wouldn't be complete without a souvenir!

As you can see, we've just returned from visit to see our friends Ben, Lauren, and their little guy, Grayson in Cape Cod, and then down to CT for the week to visit with the grandparents.  As you can probably also tell, Ethan had a great time and was kept super entertained all week long! 

A few cute stories from the weekend- we haven't mentioned much to Ethan about Santa Claus, figuring he was still a little too young to really get it yet.  One day last week, we were looking at Thomas trains and Ethan was pointing out the ones that he really liked.  I mentioned that maybe Santa Claus would bring him one of those toys and explained that Santa brings toys to little girls and boys.  We didn't mention it again, but apparently this really stuck with him.  The next day, he was looking at a book with cars, and looked up at me and said, "Mama, maybe Santa will bring me this car!"  He is too funny!  He knows the exact trains that he would like Santa to bring.  I told him we were going to a friend's house, and he replied, "I don't want to go to that house, I want to go to Santa's house!"  This Christmas is going to be so much fun!  I love that we'll get to make it magical for him, just like our parents did for us.

Yesterday we visited our midwife for a regular baby check (this is a new practice for us and our first official visit and we loved it!)  Anyway, Ethan came along and the midwife was so great with him.  We've talked a little to Ethan about the idea that there is a baby in my belly, so lots of times, he'll lift my shirt and put his pacifier on my belly (so cute!)  Yesterday, the midwife had a special stool for him to stand on and he got to squeeze the gel that they use when they listen to the heartbeat, and push the button to start the doppler. Once we heard the ,"thump, thump, thump"  Ethan stood back, with his hands in his pockets, and got the biggest smile on his face!  It was really great to be able to involve him in the visit, and see his reaction!  Now he tells us that he too has a baby in his belly!!

We are looking forward to lots of fun Halloween festivities this weekend!  More pictures next week- though I don't know if they'll be pictures of trick or treating, or of sledding!!


Anonymous said...

The pictures of Ethan with the butterfly are *so* cute! You can see in his expression the happy amazement he's feeling. He's going to be a little naturalist! :)

Oh, and by the way, we are going to have so much fun with the Santa thing.

Andrea said...

Love the pictures! Every time you post a new picture of Ethan he seems so big. This age is so fun - the holidays will be great. Who is Ethan's favorite Thomas? Sam loves Gordon. Hope to see you both soon!