Wednesday, October 17, 2012

August, September, October, Oh My!

Happy 3rd Birthday Ethan!  

Nate, our happy little guy!

Ethan creates a masterpiece... in his underpants!

Playing with trucks together already

Nate, 5 months

First solid foods, 5 months

These guys sure do adore each other!


Nate hangs out with Great Grams, and Grandma D

trucks and sand- what more could a kid ask for?!

Ethan's family/friends party
The kiddos after a visit from the ice cream truck

Ethan looks cool waiting for the train to the "big city"

Ethan and Daddy in the big city

Toys R Us Ferris Wheel- can you tell Ethan is excited to be in a toy store??!!
Sam and Ethan

Trucks at the playground

Ethan checks out the livestock at the Common Ground Fair

Nate and his Billy Bob teeth

Ice cream at Ben and Bills, Bar Harbor, ME

A little rain can't get this kid down

Hiking around Jordan Pond- one of my all time favorite shots of Ethan and one of my favorite places!

walking the trail

Our fam

Nate and I stay warm and cozy
Tubby for Two!

Feeding goats at the Cumberland County Fair

Pony ride!

Apple picking is serious business

Nate practices his sitting

This how Ethan helps out in the kitchen- delivering the squash in  his dump trucks!

Happy fella!

Nate, 6 months

getting good at this sitting business!
Well, it has happened again- weeks and weeks have gone by, and I haven't found the time to sit and write!  Here are the highlights from the last couple of months.  As you can probably tell, we haven't had too much trouble filling our time!  We celebrated Ethan's third birthday with family and friends. We had a wonderful day despite the tornado warnings!!  Happily the sun shined the whole time, and we topped off a fantastic day with a visit from the ice cream truck- not sure who was more excited- the kids or the adults!

We spent a lovely, though soggy weekend in Bar Harbor.  Ethan loved everything about going on an "adventure" from hiking trails, to staying in a tiny house (cottage) to jumping in puddles throughout Bar Harbor.  I'd be lying if I said that I was happy about the rainy conditions, but these day spending a long weekend with my family is awesome, no matter what the weather.

In Nate news, he is now 6 months old, has one tooth, and is getting pretty great at sitting up on his own.  He's moving through these developmental stages way too fast- I can't keep up with him.  As always, he is the  happy, easy going baby that he has been since he was born.  We've found that there are only a few things that really get him upset.  One that really stands out is if you put him in his high chair, and then don't immediately start feeding him, he definitely lets you know that he is NOT happy!  He loves everything!  Even peas and green beans!  We'll see how long that lasts!

Ethan cracks us up with all of the funny things that he says.  He's got a wonderful, extensive vocabulary so the little mishaps in his language are that much cuter.  For example, he loves miso soup and always asks for us to feed him the "toe-food" that is at the bottom of the soup.  He says "bommet" for bottom, and "kepich" for ketchup, and "orangin" for orange.  Pretty cute.  He also answers everything with a "sure do!"  "Ethan, do you want cereal for breakfast?"  "I sure do!"  He is a funny little person!

As nutty as life has been for us, being back and forth from ME to CT, I try to keep everything in perspective.    I am so very lucky to have two adorable, healthy, happy boys.  The rest will work itself out (perhaps not as quickly as I'd like it to, but it will) and in the meantime, I'll just enjoy every moment with these two special guys!  Thanks for reading!!


Unknown said...

"Momma, did you know shrimp is made from lobster? It sure is!"

Andrea said...

I love the photos and am amazed at how big Nate is getting. You've had a great fall, it seems, from seeing all of the pictures. I'm looking forward to having our crew together again.