Friday, November 9, 2012

Halloween and Hurricanes

Ethan loves his art class at the nature center!

Cider press at the Harvest Festival


Face painting at the pumpkin farm- he has a candy corn on the other cheek.

Grandma and Nate

Finding the perfect pumpkins.

Clearly Ethan is thrilled to be on a tractor ride.


Nate, almost 7 months

Dump truck driving dragon!

Storm clean up- 

Ethan helps Grandpa George, "get the job done" cleaning up the yard after Hurricane Sandy.

My little dragons!

My happy little man!

Making pinecone bird feeders.

Nate's first Halloween, 7 months old.
We have enjoyed Fall so much with pumpkin and apple picking, tractor rides, Harvest festivals, art classes, and more.  Every season is so much fun with kids!

We were in CT when Hurricane Sandy hit.  We got lots of wind and rain, lost power for a couple of days, but luckily everyone stayed safe and no damage was done to the homes of our family and friends.  So sad to hear the stories about devastated areas around us- and so hard to explain it all to a three year old, and still make him feel safe and secure when he hears that a storm is coming.  Ethan learned what "damage" from a storm meant after seeing trees torn out of the ground, and power lines down all over town.  And on a lighter note, he loved, "getting the job done" helping Papa blow the leaves and collecting sticks for the wood pile with Grandpa George.

Halloween was sort of funky this year as many people around us had no power, which made trick or treating a bit more challenging.  We did however find a few neighborhoods that had power and Ethan had a blast running from house to house.  At one house, a nice older woman asked, "Do you like lollipops?"  And Ethan's response was, "Yup, I sure do like lollipops!!"  We took the stroller along with us in case he got tired of walking, but he was very concerned that if he sat down, he'd crush his dragon wings and would no longer be able to fly!

Nate was less enthusiastic about the Halloween festivities and so we took him around to a few houses and then he stayed with Grandma and Papa. The biggest Nate news is that he is weeks, maybe days, away from crawling.  He is able to get up on all four, but can't get himself moving forward.  I am in no rush to have him mobile!  I am so sure that he will be into everything!!  When he does start moving, I'll be sure to post some video.

Hard to believe that we are moving into winter holidays.  I so look forward to experiencing Thanksgiving, Christmas, snow and more with my little guys!

Thanks for reading!

1 comment:

Andrea said...

With this blog, I've realized how much time you guys spend outside - that is so very cool. Ethan and Nate will grow up just like their mom and dad - loving the outdoors. Love your photos this week - the boys are getting so big!