Friday, January 11, 2013

Catching Up- Part 1- November

Our newest Chili Peppers fan

Thanksgiving Parade in Stamford, CT

Pondering which balloon will be next


I love this picture so much- maybe it's the moose mittens!

Celebrating Thanksgiving with G Ma, Grandpa George, Uncle Adam, and our little family

Making apple pie with Grandma

Nate, 7 months

And the matching Christmas pajamas appear!

G Ma and Nate play trains

Swings!  Thanksgiving Day

Ethan helps Papa "get the job done"

He's serious about his work!

Early November snowstorm in CT

Visiting Sammy in Boston

So clearly this weekly blog has morphed into a bimonthly one.  One of my resolutions is to be better and more organized about this.  I think that I will be because one of my favorite gifts was a new camera and so I will be trying to take all or most pics of the kiddos with it and attempt to pull all of the pics from it every week to blog like I used to.  My iphone was my downfall.  Anyway, enough about my blogging challenges!!  The point is, I WILL be better!

Here is part one of pics that I took in November.  In that time, Nate began to get up on all fours, and a few days after Thanksgiving, he began to crawl (at 8 months)!  He is so proud of himself.  The growth and progress that he has made in such a short time is amazing and I can imagine that he will be walking before we know it!

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