Friday, January 11, 2013

Happy New Year!!! (part 3!!)


Can't really tell from this picture, but their arms are interlaced- so darn cute! 

Making a snow angel at LL Bean on New Year's Eve

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Watching the New Year's Eve fireworks

Making pizza

He loved celebrating- especially with noise makers!!

Ethan woke up to snow, climbs into bed and says, "Mama, it's a fine day for shoveling!!"

Ethan, Sam, and Nate

Joel gives Nate some pointers on walking

I love the chaos that ensues when the Gendrons come to ME- kids, dogs, toys!  By the way, didn't get a great shot, but there's baby Charlotte :)

Our first babies

Candlepin bowling was so much fun!

Nate tests out his new walker- thanks Uncle Adam!!

Nate pulls himself up on everything!

Contemplating stairs

Ethan taught Nate to go through the tunnel

Looks like he got the hang of it!

Nate is big enough to STAND at the train table to play- now no layout is safe!

9 months!

And, finally we are all up to date!!  Happy New Year!!

1 comment:

Andrea said...

Ha! Chaos does come very easily when we visit. We had a great time - I love that picture. Also, I love the ones of the boys sleeping - so sweet.