Wednesday, March 13, 2013

March Celebrations

Ethan proudly poses after giving Barley a new toy to cheer him up after some minor surgery

First haircut!

Grandma and Nate share a laugh

No haircut with Grandma would be complete without a lollipop!  Just what we needed to keep him still for the final snips!

Ethan listens very intently about the maple syrup making process, but is really thinking, "So, where are the samples?!"

Nate and Daddy at the Maple Syrup Festival

Checking out the buckets

Drilling a hole

Another "Ethan original" He carefully selected the vehicles that would adorn my birthday cake!

My boys helped me celebrate

Nate approves of the carrot cake!

Seriously Mom, it's almost April and there's MORE snow??

For my next trick I will stand on my own without using anything to get up...

Ta Da!!

Very appropriate shot for month 11- his favorite thing to do is open the cabinets and take out the lids!!
Lots of fun in the month of March!  Nate is growing by leaps and bounds, now standing on his own, cruising around like crazy, and the newest trick, climbing into and on top of whatever he can find!!  An empty box?  Why not!  A laundry basket? Sure!  Stairs? Most definitely!  He is also becoming more and more picky about the foods he'll eat- no more pasta, cheese, fish or even bread on some nights.  But he continues to really enjoy all fruits, yogurt, and cheerios.  Hoping this too is a phase as we were really enjoying the fact that he'd eat anything we put in front of him!  Oh yeah, and he has finally sprouted his top front teeth- four total now!

Ethan is still all about trucks, trucks, trucks.  He was excited to decorate my birthday cake with a variety of vehicles and I even had a digger help me unwrap my gifts! I appreciate the fact that Ethan knows what he is passionate about!  He has recently begun to teach me about the various vehicles and what they can do- last week I learned what an articulated dump truck is!  I keep saying he's going to be smarter than me by the time he's ten, but I may need to bump that estimation up a few years!!

We spent my 35th birthday at a Maple Syrup Festival at a local Nature Center.  As we were walking back to our car, Pete carrying Nate, and me carrying Ethan, I said, "I can't imagine a better birthday.  I get to spend my whole day with my favorite boys."  Ethan pulled me in a little closer and replied, "Yup, Mama, we all love you!  That's why it's your best birthday." And it's true- I am so lucky to have all of my incredible guys in my world!!

1 comment:

Andrea said...

I can't get over how big Nate is and he's standing on his own? Ethan also looks like a KID! It's so crazy how time flies. Love your birthday pictures too. Happy Birthday Laura! :)