Saturday, February 27, 2010

Not so Winter Storms!

Playing with his exersaucer!

Loves this toy! Thanks Grandma and Grandpa Fowler!
I was pondering what I would write about in my blog this week. It has been fairly uneventful- lots of hunkering down at home due to bad weather, and just general chores and errands. But, much to my dismay, yesterday's storm brought a new adventure to write about!

As we all slept, snugly in our beds, we could hear the strong winds (60 mph) and rain pounding our poor little house- then suddenly- no power- ugh! No power and baby equals no fun!! Luckily, we were able to camp out at Ken and Melissa's house yesterday. Maddie, Marshall, and Jack were thrilled with the impromptu visit from their baby cousin Ethan! And Ken was thrilled that we had to use up stuff in our freezer before it thawed and went bad- lasagna for all! After 31 hours of no power, Mom and Dad were at their wits end! Ethan seemed none the wiser, and enjoyed sitting at home with us, watching the fire, and snuggling together in bed to stay warm. I'd say he came through his first power outage with flying colors!

Our big boy had his six month check up yesterday. He weighed in at 18 pounds 14 ounces, and 27 inches long. This puts him in the 75th percentile for height and weight. His head is still in the 25th percentile- guess he inherited his mama's head! Doctor Jen reported that Ethan was right on target developmentally for everything, and that our newest assignment is to begin to help Ethan to sleep through the night on his own. This should be very interesting! Right now, Ethan sleeps with us, and wakes numerous times throughout the night to eat. Doctor Jen has instructed us to stop feeding him at night. We'll see who wins that battle- Ethan's need to eat or Mama's need for sleep!

Next week, we are heading out on our first family vacation! Pete's company has generously paid for a four day cruise for all of us to enjoy! I'll fill you in on our voyage, when we return! Pete and I consider ourselves to be seasoned travelers, but having Ethan in tow will provide us will a whole new set of challenges and fun!

1 comment:

Andrea said...

So exciting that you are going on vacation. Also, keep me updated on your sleep progress and share any tips that the doctor might have given you?!

have fun!