Friday, May 7, 2010

Fun Games and Good Friends

Hanging out in my swing

Teething biscuits- we generally need a bath after one of these!

Double Duty


The Whole Gang

First game

Barley enjoying the shade in the stands

Walking the field before the game

"Hey, I know you!!"

The Fam

What a fun week! Whatever was troubling Ethan last week has passed- and no new teeth! We really have no idea what was bothering him. He is back to his pleasant old self and is mostly sleeping through the night again, with generally one feeding around 3 or 4 in the morning. I'm not sure what the problem was, but am glad that Ethan is my happy little guy again.
Over the weekend we had our friends Andrea, Joel, their baby Sam, and their dog Otis come to stay with us. We went to Bark in the Park. It's a fund raiser at out local minor league baseball stadium. Fans get to bring their dogs, walk around the field before the game begins, and sit in the stands with the pooches. It was a beautiful day, and we all had a great time. Barley and Otis were happy to once again, like old times, before babies, be the center of attention! I think that the babies had fun too, watching all of the people and pups.
We had a great weekend. It's so nice having friends who are at the exact same point in their lives- 8 month old baby, 3 year old dog- very cool! We all enjoyed watching the babies play and interact. We are hoping that Sam observed some of Ethan's eating habits, and that Ethan got some pointers on crawling from Sam!

Ethan continues to try and move. He is getting more and more curious about the things around him, and therefore, more and more motivated to get moving. He continues to lean forward from a sitting position, but most times can't get his leg out of the way to get up. Yesterday, for a brief moment, he did however get up on all fours and move himself backwards a bit before flopping down. He's on his way!!

In food news, we are thinking we may have a potential egg allergy on our hands. I've given Ethan egg before, but he hasn't eaten much of it in the past. On Monday night, I scrambled an egg with a little milk, and some cheese. As he was eating, I noticed little red spots all around his mouth. About twenty minutes after he was finished eating, the spots were gone. I've put a call into the pediatrician, and am waiting to hear back. For now, we are steering clear of eggs!

This weekend we will celebrate my first Mother's Day. I feel so lucky to be a part of "the club." Since becoming a mom, I have felt more joy, and love than ever before- it truly is an amazing experience...


Sarah said...

So many "Ethan in a hat" photos. Does this mean hats aren't getting pulled off left and right anymore?

Andrea said...

I love the pictures from this weekend. It was so fun to visit you guys and spend time with the babies and the dogs! (and, of course you and Pete). We need to live closer to one another. Ethan is amazing and I am still truly astonished by his great eating habits!