Thursday, June 17, 2010

Confident Baby, Not So Confident Mama!

Deep in Thought

Very proud of himself that he can stand in his pack and play

Investigating the Stairs

Investigating the cat door (put there by former owners- Barley would never stand it if we had a cat!!) New Wheely Cars!

Our boy is growing by leaps and bounds! It wasn't too long ago that we could lay Ethan down, and find him in the same spot when we returned- those days are long gone! Ethan is curious about everything! Not only is he crawling everywhere, he is now pulling himself up on everything to get a better view! He has even gotten himself up the bottom step of our staircase! I have to say, this is not my favorite stage- Ethan is so overly confident that he can pull himself up and balance on everything, when the reality is, he can't! This makes for lots of bumps, bruises, tears, and a very nervous Mama!! I know that the falls are inevitable, but it's still hard to watch!

We have had a very rough week sleepwise. We are pretty sure that the cause is teething as we can see at least four and maybe even five top teeth coming in. Nice in the long run that he gets them all in at once, but for now, I am exhausted and feel awful that Ethan is in pain. Lots of Tylenol, teethers, and cuddles will hopefully do the trick.

This week, Ethan has started sharing. He likes to offer us his pacifier. We pretend to take it, and then he takes it back. It's awfully cute! Ethan has also started mimicking us again. He did this when he was about 6 months old for a short time and then stopped. He likes turning his head from side to side and having us do the same. He gets a real kick out of it! Finally, the drop it game is in full affect! Ethan is having a great time dropping things and seeing where they land. And if we tell him not to (playfully) he falls into a fit of giggles and continues to drop whatever the object is-he is getting more and more playful.

Maybe next week we'll have a picture of Ethan with a big toothy grin- till then!!

1 comment:

Andrea said...

Wow - 5 top teeth is alot at once! Poor Ethan. Hopefully they come in fast and easy so that you can sleep again. Love the pictures this week. Ethan just gets cuter and cuter.