Saturday, June 26, 2010

Welcome Summer!

Maddie tries her cap on Ethan

Happy Graduation Maddie!

The gang all came to celebrate!

Lots of things to explore- no, he's not helping unload the dishwasher yet!!

A little unsure about our new pet...

Daddy and Ethan

Taking in the game

Where did this big kid come from??

Ethan is as busy as ever exploring the world around him! He is experiencing lots of new adventures and seems to enjoy them all. Over the weekend we watched his cousin Maddie graduate from preschool. Ethan sat quietly in my lap, in awe of all of the children and activity around him. Maddie was very excited that her little cousin had come to watch her ceremony and couldn't stop waving to him from the stage!

On Saturday, we joined my brother Ken and his kids at a local lake. We weren't sure how Ethan would react to the water so we let him just put his feet in. He immediately sat down and began splashing. I had gotten a float for him and he took to it right away. His cousins Maddie and Marshall took turns giving him rides around the lake and Ethan was in his glory. It's going to be a fun summer- we have so many lakes, ponds, and beaches and it's nice to know that we have a kid who enjoys the water.

On Sunday Ethan and I made pancakes for Daddy to celebrate his first Father's Day. After breakfast, we headed out to a Seadogs game. I figured that if we couldn't get to Yankee Stadium to see a ballgame, it was the next best way to celebrate Father's Day. We had a great time, but boy was it hot out! Ethan was such a trooper and had a good time sharing an ice cream with Daddy and watching the game. Ethan is so lucky to have such a wonderful daddy. He works so hard, and takes such good care of us. I'm so happy that Ethan has such a great role model in his life!

Pete and I continue to marvel at how fast Ethan is growing. This past Tuesday marked Ethan's tenth month! We are always commenting on what a big kid Ethan has turned into. He is so much fun to be around.

It seems like every day he is doing something new. He loves to bop to music. He'll sway his head from side to side or he'll bounce up and down. He is waving more and more and really likes to wave at himself in the mirror. He is just beginning to "cruise" a bit. He'll pull himself up on the couch and take a few steps holding on- especially if there is something on one end that he wants to get to.

One of the new things that Ethan has been doing is "talking"when he is frustrated. I know I probably shouldn't find it funny, but I do. For example if I put him in the pack & play and he wants to get out, he'll cry but at the end of the wailing, he'll begin to babble- da,da,ba,ba... I think that he's pleading his case as to why he should not be trapped in his pack & play! Too cute!

Finally, Pete and I celebrated our fourth anniversary on Thursday. We had a fun time showing Ethan the lobsters that were later going to be dinner, dancing around the living room, and snacking on bread and cheese. I couldn't imagine a better way to celebrate four years of marriage- enjoying time with all of my boys (Barley included!!)


Unknown said...

"buy me some peanuts and crackerjacks!"

Andrea said...

I read your blog today with Sam and he smiled at all of the pictures of Ethan! Sounds like we've got some water babies on our hands. Can't wait to hang out with you guys!!